New Edition In Commemoration of
Swami Vivekananda's 150th Birth Anniversary

- NAME OF THE BOOK: “Vivekananda–His Gospel of
- EDITION: 7th
- YEAR: 2013
- PARTS: Five
- NO. OF PAGES: 1064 pp.
- SIZE OF THE BOOKS: 8.5” x 5.5” x 2”.
- WEIGHT: 1.256 Kg.
- BINDING: Soft Cover.
- LANGUAGE: English.
- ISBN: 81-85304-66-1
- PUBLISHER: Swami Jyotirmayananda, 38/1400, ‘H’ Block, 15th
Main, Annanagar, Chennai-600040.
- PRINTER: Sudarsan Graphic Pvt. Ltd, No. 27, Neelakantha Mehta Street, T. Nagar,
Chennai - 600 017.
A unique book with rich reading material which instructs and inspires the reader, “Vivekananda–His Gospel of
Man-making” also chronicles the important events in the life and times of Swami
Vivekananda and highlights his mission and the message to the world. “There is no such
book on Vivekananda which has brought into focus all the important events in his life and times
along with the tributes of eminent persons from all walks of life”, says Anandshanakr Pandya (92), Mumbai-based industrialist, philanthropist, author
of several books and speaker at international forum on Hindu Dharma.
Swami Tapasyananda, a senior monk of the Ramakrishna Order writes in his
Foreword: “It has got a significance which none of the existing works on the Swami serves.
It can be called a comprehensive study of Swami Vivekananda. Not only does it give a brief account
of his life and selected body of his lectures; it gives a variety of essays and utterances of
eminent thinkers, a collection of which one can get nowhere except in this book.
Besides, it also gives a bird’s-eye view of the history of the times in which Swamiji
appeared… These three features of Swami Jyotirmayananda’s compilation make this book
very valuable...”
In his Benediction to the first edition of the book, Swami
Ranganathananda, the 13th President of the Ramakrishna Order says: “It should find a
place in all our libraries of educational institutions and all our public libraries as
Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Founder, Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, in his Benediction to the sixth
edition, wishes that this new edition of the book “becomes a valuable addition to every
personal and public library in India and elsewhere.”
Commemorating the 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda (2013), the
enlarged sixth edition of the book was released (on the 19th July) during the 26th Anniversary
Celebrations of the ‘Arsha Vidya Gurukulam’ at Saylorsburg, PA, U.S.A.
The first edition of the book was brought out in 1986, followed by the subsequent editions in
1988, 1992, 1993, and 2000 (vide the ‘Milestones in the Publication’. The book, extensively
reviewed in the national and international media, has been well received and widely welcomed as a
reference work on Swami Vivekananda.
A DVD captioned: “In the sesquicentenary year of his Birth, remembering
Swami Vivekananda, his unique contributions, and the lasting spiritual legacy to
was also attached to the inner side of the back cover of the book. It is an audio-visual
presentation of the book offered free of cost.
The speciality of this new edition is that it carries a ‘Synoptic View’ of the whole
book, and also a new chapter: “Winds of Change: Vivekananda and His Impact on the Western
Mind (1893-2013)”. The new supplement, gives a brief picture of how far the Vedanta
philosophy has influenced some of the greatest thinkers in the West, and through them how the
thoughts have influenced many receptive minds there. The significance of this Section lies in the
fact that it gives a bird's-eye view of the range of Swamiji’s success in the West. It
reveals, in a nut-shell, the extent to which reputed American intellectuals have taken up the
study of Vedanta and what a force they were in giving further thrust to the thought movement
following Swamiji’s visit to America.
Homage to Swami Vivekananda from Swami Ranganathananda, Messages from Sri Narendra Modi –
an ardent devotee of Swami Vivekananda, and the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Gujarat, and Sri Rajiv
Malhotra – author and Founder of ‘Infinity
Foundation’, New Jersey, U. S. A, and Sri Tarun
Vijay – author and Member of Parliament, give a fitting finale to the new part.
‘Vivekananda Literature’– the list appended to the
book, now having been updated, contains the names of over 260 books by and on Swami Vivekananda,
useful for further study on Swamiji. A couple of new appendices, including ‘What is
Man-making’, given at the end of the book, will be found informative by the readers.
1. Swami Dayananda Saraswati
2. Swami Tattvavidananda
Recent Reviews (Excerpts):
“This book is an encyclopedic study of both these aspects –
Swamiji’s influence on society and the impact of society on him. What sets this work apart
from others of the same genre is the commendable effort by its editor to place Swamiji in the
matrix of the socio-cultural milieu of the second half of the nineteenth century. The second part
of the book, making up one-third of the entire work, presents a very interesting and comprehensive
chronicle that puts the clock back by a century and half. The reader is taken through a
fascinating journey from the time of Swamiji’s appearance on the world scene until his form
disappeared from our mortal gaze. We live with Swamiji, taking note of every significant event in
his life and, at the same time, observing major developments in every sphere of human activity
– as Swamiji himself might have done, for he was very much alive to the happenings around
him. We are brought face to face with political and religious leaders, savants, scientists, and so
on, and weighty happenings in their lives that had hit headlines in those days. It must be
admitted, however, that the task of spinning a backdrop to Swamiji’s role in the world from
these diverse bare facts is left to the reader.
"Brought out in commemoration of Swami Vivekananda’s 150th
birth anniversary, this enlarged edition is a valuable addition to all personal and general
libraries interested in Indian religion and culture. The compiler-editor-publisher deserves the
appreciation of all the admirers of Vivekananda for his stupendous effort and dedication in
bringing out this work.”
– Br. Shantichaitanya, Belur Math,
in his review in
‘Prabuddha Bharata’, July 2013.
* * *
“To say this book is fabulous
is to make an under-statement. It is almost the final education on attaining the bliss of
self-understanding. There has never been such a book before and it is unlikely that it will ever
be surpassed. Finally, it gives one additional bonus: a portfolio of eighty pictures of the Swami!
And those who want to know even more about him are provided with a long list of past publications.
But this work, surely, must be considered the last word on the subject.”
– M. V. Kamath, Manipal, in
his review in ‘Organiser’, Delhi, May 5, 2012,
& ‘The
Free Press e-paper’, Aug 19, 2012.
* * *
"Recently many new monographs, articles and books have been
published. Of all the books on Swamiji published in recent years the current book under review is,
to say the least, the most outstanding one. To publish so much information between the two covers of
a book must have been a Herculean task. Swami Jyotirmayananda must be complimented on this
achievement. Readers should be grateful to him for this remarkable contribution to the literature on
Swami Vivekananda.”
– N. V. C. SWAMY, Bangalore,
in his review in
‘The Vedanta Kesari’, February 2013.
* * *
"This book, which forcefully conveys the message of Swami
Vivekananda, commemorates his 150th birth anniversary being celebrated the world over on January 12,
2013. In this voluminous compilation, Swami Jyotirmayananda has distilled the essentials of Swami
Vivekananda’s teachings. While the book makes an interesting reading, it carries a write
up about the significance of “Man-making”; and also the Tributes paid to Swami
Vivekananda by many people of light and leading. This book is enough for one to grasp, gather and
understand thoroughly all about Swami Vivekananda and his philosophy. It is a gospel of practical
Vedanta as revealed by Swami Vivekananda. Besides all accolades that Swami Jyotirmayananda has been
receiving for the contents and years of labor put in by him in compiling the book, he deserves a
doctorate. It is a priceless book that should find a prestigious place in all
– J. V. Lakshmana Rao, Chicago,
in his review in
‘India Tribune”, January 4, 2013.
Read the Reviews in full here.
Introductory brochure:
Introductory Brochure: (CONTENTS: Benediction � Prologue � What is
�Man-making�? � An Overview of the Book � Contents at a Glance � A Synoptic View of the Book �
Review Excerpts � Milestones in the Publication � The Author) -- This introductory
brochure of 48 pages providing all the details about the book can be downloaded from here